Frequently asked questions



Q. Can I do the course if I am on anti-depressants or other prescription medications?

Many people taking prescription medications, have completed this program. What I have found is that those participants who are taking anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication are perfectly capable of doing this program, however the effect of the medication they are on, often intensifies once the awareness of their body and mind begins to deepen. For this reason it may be prudent to maintain regular contact with your primary Health Care Professional so that they may support you accordingly.

If you are on anti-psychotic medication, this may not be the right time for a program such as this one.


Q. I don’t generally drink that much. Do I really need to stop drinking entirely for the duration of the program?

This is probably the most common question I get. Ironically, the answer to this lies in the question itself. If drinking is occasional, mild and there is no attachment, then why would it be any problem to stop for 9 weeks?

I cannot emphasise this requirement enough. In 15 years of making this suggestion no client of mine has ever regretted having stopped drinking alcohol in exchange for clarity and depth of perception and discovery along with a distinct arising harmony in their relationships. Most, however, have opposed it initially and many became distressed at realising how attached they really were to alcohol. Give yourself a break and cut it out just for 9 weeks. It will still be there when you finish the program and you can easily catch up if need be :)


Q. Is it advisable for my partner and I to do the course together?

Ultimately this can be an amazing journey to share with an intimate partner. However, it is challenging to do this course together and some people find it a little overwhelming. Don’t push the participation of your partner in any way whatsoever. If they are naturally drawn to doing it now, then trust that and go with it. If you are prompting (pushing) them, because you think they need it, then perhaps relax and simply start doing the program yourself.


Q: I belong to a particular religion and it’s very important to me. Can I still do the program if I am religious?

The program is entirely non-sectarian. It is about something we all struggle with, an anxious, agitated and fearful mind and the expression of that mind in all our relationships. It’s about something we all yearn for, a balanced, peaceful, clear mind, a caring and compassionate mind. This must surely form the foundation of any religion and so whatever your religion, the transformation of this mind must certainly be of value to it, just as it would be of value to your relationships with your partner, your children and your community. Appreciation of and intimacy with the divine within and around us can take many forms - the program is about cultivating the appreciation and intimacy, not the forms.